AdSense contact email verification
You’ve asked us to use the email address for all future AdSense communication to be sent to you. To complete the process, please verify that this email address belongs to you by
clicking the link below. You’ll then be directed back to your AdSense account where you'll be able to see the updated contact information.
Please note that this will not change the email you use to sign in to
your AdSense account.
To verify your email address, please click the link below:
Learn more:
The Google AdSense Team
Changes to your YouTube payment details
Hello User,
The AdSense account linked to your YouTube channel was successfully changed. All future payments will be processed through this new AdSense account. View details
Status: Pending
Date associated: December 1, 2015 at 9:52 AM
Didn’t request this change?
If you’re not aware of this change, someone else may have recently accessed your account. To keep your account secure, please do the following immediately:
Reset your password
Change your associated AdSense account
If you need additional help, please visit our Help Center.
YouTube Support Team